Research: The Center for Electoral Forensics
Electoral Forensics Research
This page includes published articles dealing with electoral forensics as well as Center-directed electoral research. Note that inclusion on this page does not imply any connection to the Center for Electoral Forensics. If you have published an article relating to elections and/or electoral forensics, and would like the article listed here, please send the citation information to use via our contact form.
Published Articles
Academic Journals
- Henry E. Brady, Michael C. Herron, Walter R. Mebane Jr., Jasjeet Singh Sekhon, Kenneth W. Shotts, and Jonathan Wand (2002). “Law and Data: The Butterfly Ballot Episode” PS: Political Science & Politics. 34(1): 59 – 69.
- Erik S. Herron. (2011). “How Viktor Yanukovych Won: Reassessing the Dominant Narratives of Ukraine’s 2010 Presidential Election.” East European Politics & Societies. 25(1): 47 – 67.
- Walter R. Mebane, Jr., and Jasjeet S. Sekhon (2004). “Robust Estimation and Outlier Detection for Overdispersed Multinomial Models of Count Data.” American Journal of Political Science. 48(2): 392 – 411.
- Walter R. Mebane, Jr. (2004). “The Wrong Man Is President! Overvotes in the 2000 Presidential Election in Florida” Perspectives on Politics. 2(3): 525 – 535.
Popular Press
- ——— (2007). “Science and Technology: Election forensics.” The Economist. 382(8517): 91.
- Walter R. Mebane, Jr. (2010). “Fraud in the 2009 Presidential Election in Iran?” Chance 23(1):6 – 15.
Center-Directed Research
- Ole J. Forsberg (2011). “The next step in Electoral Forensics: The South Sudanese Independence Referendum of 2011.” Poster Presentation at Oklahoma Research Day, Lawton, Oklahoma. November 4, 2011.
- Ole J. Forsberg (2011). “Free and Fair? Investigating the Results of the 2010 Sri Lankan Presidential Election.” Paper Presentation at the International Studies Association—Mid West, St. Louis, Missouri. November 12, 2011.
Ole J. Forsberg (2012). “Using the Logitnormal Distribution in Electoral Forensics.” Poster Presentation at the Joint Statistical Meeting, San Diego, CA. August 2, 2012.
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